
Showing posts from June, 2024

Event 3: Undergraduate Design Media Arts Exhibition

 On Thursday, June 6th, I attended the Undergraduate Design Media Art Exhibition at the Broad Arts Center on campus. I found this exhibit very moving as the second you entered the exhibition room, it was silent (different from the past Broad Arts Center exhibitions I have attended). As you entered the space, the walls were filled with several white pieces of paper with information on the Palestine protests. As I continued reading each sign, the artist made it clear she decided to use this platform not to share her art but to share the stories of our classmates and professors who took a stand against UCLA and met brutal realities. While this individual piece was truly inspiring and moving, the piece that I found most related to this course was Katherine Clark's Voyeur. Voyeur by Katherine Clark perfectly intertwined art with technology in a truly fascinating way. At first glance, Clark's work is deceptively simple; a large screen, a video, and a window frame. However, the piece ...